Course Content
Welcome to the Marriage Prep Course! In this section, we’ll outline what to expect as you and your partner progress through the upcoming modules. This overview will give you a clear understanding of the course structure and help you prepare for each step of the journey.
Our Story
In this section, "The Story," you and your partner will reflect on who you are and how your relationship came together. You'll explore the reasons you're together, the strengths you bring to the relationship, and the individual histories and stories that may impact your relationship.
Our Families
Our families significantly influence how we relate to others, especially in our romantic relationships. In this section, you and your partner will explore how your families have shaped you and how you envision shaping your own family—whether that means the two of you, blending families or welcoming new members.
Our History
Relationships have their ups and downs, with both positive and negative experiences. Individual histories and past relational experiences can influence how you feel and connect with each other. In this section, you and your partner will reflect on how aspects of your individual histories and past experiences may affect your relationship today.
Our Values
We all have values that guide and inspire us, representing what’s most important in our lives. As you prepare for marriage or a long-term commitment, it's crucial to understand your own values as well as those you share with your partner. Identifying these values will help you navigate your relationship together. This section includes reflective exercises designed to help clarify and align these values.
Our Finances
Finances are often a significant topic when committing to a long-term relationship. In this section, you will explore your beliefs about and approach to money, envision how you see your finances, and discuss how to manage them. You'll also address your hopes and fears regarding financial matters.
Our Intimacy
Intimacy extends beyond the bedroom and is essential for feeling deeply connected, cared for, and secure in a relationship. It’s important to explore how you connect intimately, not just through sex. This section will provide time for you and your partner to reflect on and discuss your goals for intimacy.
Our Home
Since living together is a common aspect of marriage and long-term commitments, it’s important to have clear conversations about how you’ll live, where you’ll live, and how you’ll maintain your shared space. This section provides exercises to help you clarify expectations, roles, and responsibilities for sharing your home.
Our Conflict
Conflict is an inevitable part of relationships, but it doesn’t have to lead to explosive arguments or distance. In this section, you’ll reflect on how and why conflicts arise, explore potential triggers, and access specific strategies for managing conflict. These tools are designed to reduce conflict and foster greater understanding and connection.
Our Communication
Communication is essential for a secure and emotionally safe relationship, but having vulnerable conversations can be challenging. This section will provide tips and techniques from couples therapy to help you and your partner develop a solid plan for discussing both the big and small, easy and difficult topics, and everything in between.
Our Future
While it's exciting to focus on the present and prepare for the near future of your relationship and marriage, it’s also crucial to have proactive conversations about your hopes, fears, dreams, and plans for the future. This section provides reflection prompts to help you start discussions on how to plan for your future together.
Thank you for joining the Marriage Prep Course! By now, ideally you have gained valuable insights into each other, along with a clearer understanding of your relationship's strengths and areas for future growth. Additional resources are provided to support your ongoing commitment to building a lasting, loving, and secure romantic relationship.
Marriage Prep
About Lesson


This course is for psychoeducation purposes only, not therapy. Seek individual therapy as needed.  Additional resources are provided throughout to increase access to support.

In the case of an emergency/mental health crisis call 9-8-8 for immediate support

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