
Write a journal entry using the prompt: What does perfectionism mean to me? In what areas do I feel I need to be perfect? What…

The self-compassion question

I invite you to think about this question the next time your hand goes to your hair or skin, ask yourself, what does my body…

Journal prompt

Journal about your own experience with skin-focused behaviors. Where do you fall in the range of seriousness? The more the behavior interferes in your life,…


Write a journal entry with this prompt: What are the connections I can notice between my skin and my emotions?

Action #3: Create a Plan

Consider the following prompts: The next time I find myself approaching familiar conflict I will … Example: The next time I find myself feeling hurt…

Action #2: Why I Want to Change

Build upon step one of this goal setting process. After your last prompt of what you wish/want to change, now add why you want to…

Action #1: What I Want to Change

First, Which emotional reactions no longer serve you? Which behaviors do you want to change (refer to the behavior list above)? Write down the reactions…

© Zessio