Course Content
Introduction to Zessio — How it Works
Hi, I am Mandi Roarke, M.A., LMFT and Co-Founder of Zessio. In this section, I will outline what to expect in this mini-course "How it Works."
Zessio Community Options for Clinicians
A Sneak Preview of Zessio’s Offerings
If you’re considering exploring Zessio with a free 14-day trial or beyond, here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect to find waiting for you.
Next Steps
Application process - contact information - social media - podcast resources
Private: Zessio – How it Works
About Lesson

As a Growth Partner, you also have the option to create and manage your own Therapy Resources Group. You can regularly update this group with new resources, and members can join anonymously with a unique username to ensure confidentiality. This group can serve as a valuable supplement to your in-session work and provides a space for individuals who find you online to access mental health resources that are thoughtfully curated with the Zessio community in mind.

© Zessio